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Youth of Emission

A stack of boxes sits in our loading dock, delivered by the company that supplies our cleaning and paper goods. I laughed out loud when I saw the sticky note that said, “youth of emission”. Makes you wonder what this company thinks we do out here at YWAM! 

Maybe they are not the only ones wondering, especially in this new reality under the restrictions of COVID-19. On a walk yesterday my wife and I met a neighbor who asked how we were affected at YWAM. We’d never met this neighbor, but she seemed to know we were YWAMers.  Was there a sign above our heads? Were we ‘emitting’ YWAMness? (that’s a hint about where this post is going…)

Yes, things are quiet here at YWAM Minneapolis. We ended our English school 10 days early and got our students safely to their families and home countries. The maternity home moms and babies are cosy over at the Nest. The single staff are doing whatever single people do over at the Main Building. And we at the Quad apartment are enjoying more time around our families (mostly). 

Now we’re left to figure out how to do missions while stuck in our homes. We’re pretty sure God hasn’t pushed the pause button on the vision He’s given, which (thanks for asking) reads like this: “We are a family of believers called to equip and send the next generation to be His light to the nations.”  But how do we do that in a COVID-19 world? Do we just focus on that point in the unforeseeable future where the restrictions will be lifted, planning for schools we hope will happen, advertising, calling prospective students? Sure, we’re doing all that, but for how long? What is God doing in the meantime?

We as staff spent our last morning together before quarantine fasting and praying. God spoke to us about hitting the refresh ‘button’, about getting back to our values and priorities, and about going deep so that we could go broad. From our international YWAM leaders we began to hear some of the same things. “This is a season of Sabbatical, of pruning so that we will become more fruitful, a time to walk in radical faith and generosity. So, how are we going to prove God greater than ever before?” Great hope and expectancy is flowing from our YWAM leaders. Why? Because they know from the Word and from experience, that what the enemy intends for evil God will use for great good! Just as He did in Acts, when the believers were dispersed by persecution, the Holy Spirit will bring a reconfiguration for something even greater! I’m hearing it from all kinds of Christian leaders in these days: God is preparing the world for a great harvest. This was not how we expected it to come, but neither is God surprised! 

So back to the sticky note. “Youth of emission.” You can go down a couple roads with “emission” but let’s stick to the idea of the sending, or emitting, of the essence of a thing. But how does it relate to our current situation? 

YWAM has always been about the mission, the Great Commission. But the mission flows from WHO WE ARE: people who first KNOW GOD, LOVE and WORSHIP HIM, then MAKE HIM KNOWN. The emission, the fragrance, the message we send out, comes from the core of our being.  Like a freshly cut cedar board, or some stinky cheese, we are known by what we emit. 

Many of us as staff have walked through a process in these weeks of emitting different things like cynicism, fear, frustration and even rebellion. But God has patiently brought us to a place of peace, hope and joy so that the fragrance of the peace of Christ might flow to the world around us.  We’ve been gifted with a season in which we can refresh our core connection to Jesus, to each other and to YWAM Values. 

This time is a gift. We will make the most of it. We will find creative ways to stay on mission. (maybe e-mission – you know, like cyber schools – little joke there) We will stay attentive to the Holy Spirit. We make every phone call and email a ministry opportunity. We will stay generous. We will bless. We will go deep so that we have an abundance of authentic good stuff to share with the world. 

So there it is, that’s how things are going down at ol’ Youth of Emission. We’d love to hear from you too! What do you see God doing in this crazy time? What do you need prayer for? How can we help you find God’s mission for your life?

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