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Facing a crisis with faith

What would I do in times of Crisis?

I often insert myself into biblical stories, envisioning all the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations of seeing God descend to fill the temple, wondering how terrifyingly amazing it would have been to see God separate the sea, or picturing what it would be like to touch the hem of His garment. Curiously I imagine what it must be like to literally sit at the feet of Jesus listening to the same voice which spoke everything into existence.  After seeing God move, after experiencing His power, after hearing His voice, how could people possibly lose faith?! How could they wish to go back to Egypt, how could anyone fear if they felt His power, how could they ever forget Him after hearing Him speak? I always thought that I would have sided with Moses and wouldn’t have worshiped a golden calf. If I would have touched Him or heard Him speak, if I witnessed His glory, I would never doubt! But I had to really examine myself and ask “Would I have survived the wilderness?” “Would I bend the knee when confronted with the fire?” “Would I have denied Jesus?” “Would I still fear?” 

 Often we find ourselves in crisis, and suddenly, those Biblical characters that seemed so fickle and irrational start to look a little familiar. I start to see traits and tendencies that resemble those who I thought to be foolish and forgetful in myself. Having so many moments where God has broken the mountain, moments where He has touched my heart breathing life in me, moments where I heard His voice calm the storms and my soul, I falter. Crumbling under the pressure of crisis, trying to rationalize the boundless love of God and His truth in the midst of my hurricane, I struggle. I wrestle to subdue my human perspective to His truth, bringing to fruition the unique, yet unifying, call placed on Israel: “struggle with God,” a name lived out by humans ever since. Whether with the Hebrews of the Bible or the modern day Christian, we can find ourselves in a place where we seem to be wrestling with God. Restless nights spent in prayer seeking His face become our attempt to cling on to our God. Bringing to Him our hearts of stone, hardened by the crisis we believe to be insurmountable, we struggle. We almost forget that Jesus is on the boat with us.

I can see myself doubting and sometimes, to my shame, murmuring, “I would…,” trying to convince myself and others that I know what to do, instead of trusting in the leaders Jesus has put in place. Sometimes I find myself in the “wilderness”, wondering why God is taking me through as opposed to around and why I have to take this trip alone.  Or I find myself lost, tossed about by the waves and I, like those disciples, cry out to Jesus. Exclaiming that He shows Himself, I petition my God, only to realize that I have been in His arms, always. I was never alone. In the wilderness, in the sea, in the fire, and in the storm, Jesus was there, Jesus is here! 

In times of crisis, look for Him because He is there with you. Quiet your heart and lay your head, listening to the whispers of a loving and caring savior, reminding you that you are His. In every moment of every second, He is yours and you are His. That is why in times of crisis I can cling to the reassurance and faith stirred up by His words, “Be still, and know that I am God.”